We welcome you to the 1st Hellenic Exhibition of Tropical and not only ARIUM Ecosystems (Palludarium, Vivarium, Aquarium, Terrarium, Formicarium, etc.). The aim of this exhibition is to offer visitors a rare opportunity to journey into the world of exotic reptiles, amphibians, arthropods, insects, as well as freshwater and saltwater fish. We aspire to grant our visitors a chance to discover the characteristics that make each of these creatures unique and their welfare according to the ecosystem to which they belong.
Alongside the exhibition, the International Discus Competition, Best of Discus 2024, will be held for the 4th time in our country as well as a separate competition for biotopic ecosystems (ARIUM) that replicate a specific natural habitat via fish, plants and décor that thrive in a particular geographical area.
The exhibition features workshops, seminars and conferences held by internationally renowned speakers. Our visitors will be able to meet the experts, ask questions and get powerful insights into the magical world of tropical animals.
Let’s meet the organizers of the ARIUM Festival, a dedicated team promoting awareness and education about tropical and other ecosystems.
Through this event, the organizers aim to provide a unique opportunity for visitors to explore the fantastic world of exotic ARIUM’s.

Nidal Rezeq
Nidal Rezeq is responsible for organizing the Arium Festival. He was born in Athens and is 48 years old. He has been involved in the aquarium hobby for the past 30 years, of which the last 18 have been a professional in the industry. Today he owns the aquarium & water features manufacturing company, “Aquarium Creations””
A milestone in his life was his participation in a research expedition to the Rio Negro & Rio Araca in the Amazon with the aim of researching new species of fish, led by the leading aquatic ecosystem researcher, Heiko Bleher.
He is a certified international judge in Discus competitions by IDJA (International Discus Judging Association), he has participated as a judge in international competitions and has organized in Greece three international Discus competitions in 2012, 2014 and 2016. He was also responsible for the organization of the aquarium sector of the Pet Festival 2023 in Thessaloniki.

Marinos G. Protopapas
Born in Nicosia, Cyprus, in 1974, he attended the Psychology Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
He continued his studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in the Psychology and Biology departments, where he served as a laboratory assistant in the Zoology II course.
He began his doctoral thesis and research work at Karlsruhe International University and continued at the Panteion University in collaboration with the university clinics of Alexandra and Aretaieion hospitals.
In 2006, he founded Reptilia Nostra, a specialized reptile store, where he focused his interest on promoting reptile culture, which until then was one of his main interests.
His collaboration with research centers, universities, zoological gardens, private collections, and breeders, as well as his participation in research programs, conferences, international exhibitions, etc., rank him among the most knowledgeable in the conservation and reproduction of reptiles under artificial conditions.