Personal information


Cüneyt Byrol was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1957. He has been an aquarist for more 60 years and at least 40 of those years were with Discus.

Cüneyt is one of the founders of the Turkish Discus Society and he was also a former President of this Club.

He also owns and administers “The Discus” group on Facebook which is one of the largest discus groups in the World. He is also an administrator of more than 20  aquarium groups on Facebook.

He has completed the Discus Club (Singapore) Discus Judge Training Course and is one of the certified judges of DCS.

He has been a judge in countless record competitions worldwide as well as many online competitions.

He has also took part in the 2nd Discus Congress organized by NaQ in 2011 and also attended a Discus Congress in Poland the same year. He also attended the 3rd & 4th Discus Congress’ in Napoli in September 2013 and 2015.
Took part in the 2023 Discus Congress in Indonesia as the Congress President.
With the formation of International Discus Association in 2023, he was elected as the President of the Association.

He also gave some lectures about Discus on various countries like UK, Singapore, USA, The Philippines, Holland, and China.  He also instructed Discus Judging Courses in Spain and in Malaysia and Indonesia together with Jeffrey Tan,

In addition to the Turkish Discus Society, he is also a member of the Discus Society, Malaysia and Discus Club Singapore. He is an honorary member of Discusari; the Discus Club of Croatia.
He was also awarded with the Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod  Honor Award in Germany in 2016 for his contribution to the Discus hobby.

Besides keeping Discus he is a serious collector of seashells, rare aroid plants, art objects & paintings.
He also loves keeping dogs and also judged on various dog competitions in Turkey.
He is the proud father of two sons.