Personal information


Yann Hoiret is a French international discus judge.

He is the owner and creator of the website Fanatik-discus ( ) were you can find discus fish articles and reports published since 2008.

He regularly wrote in French and sometimes German aquarist magazines.

Always not far from fish since his young age, he decided to dedicate his passion for fish and aquatic life studying aquaculture for 6 years.

Working in many fresh water and marine aquatic breeding facilities, he finally oriented his professional career in the aquarium business since more than 20 years now.

He is very involved and interested in the Discus fish classification and ways of evaluation, but he also likes studying fish illnesses, nutrition and everything regarding aquarium technology.

He has been a judge in many Discus Championships!

Becoming for the first time an international judge 10 years ago in Greece, he is pleased to come back in the country known as the cradle of western civilization.